Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Pros and Cons of Taking Prenatal Vitamins

Prenatal vitamins are key for both women who are trying to get pregnant and those who are already pregnant. The sooner you start taking them, the better results you can get. It is important to make sure that nutritional needs are well covered as the adequate intake of vitamins and minerals is a fundamental point for a healthy pregnancy.

Pros of Taking Prenatal Vitamins

Some women are very conscious of having a healthy and balanced diet in which all the necessary nutrients are included, but others who are not so expert in nutrition, suffer health problems or nausea prevent them from eating as they should find in the vitamin supplements their great ally.
Anyway, whether you have a good diet or not, it is recommended that all women who plan to conceive or who are already pregnant use this help to avoid any vitamin deficiency. It is important to add that vitamins do not stop being a supplement and can not replace any food or counteract bad habits such as alcohol intake, smoking or eating unrecommended foods.
New technologies have radically changed society, education, communication... and in just a few years. As a result of this change, a gap has opened up between parents - who do not know how to use the new technologies and are even afraid of them - and their children - young people who are hyper-addicted to the net and its possibilities.

The most recommended vitamins

Folic Acid: Taking this supplement can reduce the possibility of defects in the baby's spinal cord or brain by up to 70%, it also helps prevent premature births or low birth weight babies.
Iron: is another essential vitamin as it helps the formation of red blood cells and prevents anemia. It also strengthens maternal muscles and helps the proper development of the baby.
Calcium: during pregnancy, the baby uses the mother's calcium reserves for the formation of her bones so it is important that this supplement is not lacking in the pregnant woman's diet as it could also suffer a decrease in bone density.
Magnesium: helps to avoid cramps and to cope better with pain. It also provides extra energy and helps form baby's bones.
In addition to these four fundamentals, it is important that the mother also take vitamin supplements containing: vitamin D, B, and C, omega 3, and zinc.

It is necessary to follow the doctor's instructions because the intake of some of these vitamins can worsen illnesses that the mother suffers. Once the doctor gives his approval and indicates the recommended daily amount, it is necessary to begin with them as soon as possible.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Halloween Candy Avoidance Tips and Tricks

1. Be selective.
Choose snacks that cause as little damage to your teeth as possible. Instead of candy and hard candy, choose chocolates that can be swallowed quickly and don't stick to your teeth. Avoid all kinds of candies that are acidic or chewy. Don't forget that even "healthy" snacks like pretzels and crackers can lead to cavities.

2. Limit the amount of time sugar is in contact with your child's teeth.
When shopping for Halloween treats, look for treats that can be eaten quickly, such as small candy bars. When you go home after collecting candy, discard hard or sticky candy, such as sugary fruit snacks, candy, or popsicles, as they increase the period when teeth are exposed to sugar. Encourage your child to eat small amounts of treats at a time, followed by a glass of water and a full toothbrush. It is not a good idea for your child to eat small amounts of snacks throughout the day because this increases the amount of contact time between sugar and teeth.

3. Teach your child to eat all kinds of foods in moderation.
Although the consumption of sweets is associated with the onset of cavities, all foods (even healthy alternatives such as fruits and nuts) can cause cavities if consumed in excess. Children, like adults, should consume all foods in moderation. Read nutrition labels to avoid foods and beverages high in sugar, fructose, and sweeteners.

4. Prepare a container of candy.
Allow your child to take candy from the container every day and monitor consumption. This way, he can control how much candy he eats.

5. Go trick-or-treat on a full stomach.
Keeping your stomach full can limit your craving for Halloween treats.

6. Use fluoride to fight cavities.
Fluoride can greatly reduce the damage caused by cavities. The most common ways to use fluoride to prevent cavities are to use toothpastes and other fluoride products and to drink water that contains fluoride.

Children are advised to brush their teeth at least twice a day for two minutes with a small amount of fluoride toothpaste (the size of a pea) and rinse their mouth with fluoridated water. Fluoride treatments applied directly to the teeth can also be performed in the dentist's office. If your area does not have fluoridated water, consult your dentist about fluoride supplements.